Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog post #20

If I could choose an animal to be able to communicate with it would be pigeons. I would ask them how it feel to fly and how it feel to go beyong the sky. I would also wounder if they share feelings with each other such as love and other mutual feelings. I would ask them their opinion about humanity and maybe I would discover our ignorance about animals not having feelings since thats what we thought about African-Americans.

Blog post #19

The majority of students such as myself claim the fact that school starts too early; however, I do not aprove with the idea that this should be mandatory.  From my perspective students from the ages 14-18 have the capacity to understand that if they are late there will be consecuences and if they refuse to be early then that would be on each student.

Blog post #18

Since my school has new admistrators there was a couple of changes added to the school. Some of these changes were accurate;however, I and the majority of the students in the campous are not pleasent with two in pertucular. One of them is the tardy slips, these are given to you if you were late to a class in perticular and youare sent near the office to receive one which takes you about fifteen minutes to do so. This surtaintky takes away class time and you are more late to class. If you receive one you either have to attend to detention or a saturday school. Another reason is that in our school there is a lot of students that cross everyday fromTijuana such as myself and some us are late because there is an excessive amount of line. My second conrn is that the administrators made SMI mandatory which is an extra our in a class which is stressful for students and some teachers .

Blog post #17

Every country has their own laws and ideologies;however, the way all these countries function affect us all. Every countrey has different laws about export eaquipment. This in my opinion should not work this way because when we all travel we are questioned about our possesions. For example, you are allowed to bring plants and some animals to Mexico, but if you bought more than $150 dollars you have to pay a surtain percentage, on the other hand the U.S does not charge you for your purchses in Mexico or so;however, if you carry a plant with you or  surtain fruits you get a fine and/or get yor visa  ot sentri taken away. In my opinion countries should have a single ageerment about what you can and cannot bring to their country. 

Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

Blog post 16

I grew up being the only child or atleast until my mother decided to tell me the truth. I still remember It was on a rainy day and I was going through puberty when my mom said that I had a step-brother named raymundo frorm my dad's side. I was confused about the feeling since I was angry about the fact that they waited so long to tell because according to their ideology I was "too young to understand", on the other hand it was a plseant feeling since I never enjoyed being the only child. It was on a saturday when I went to Tijuana to visit my grandparents and I told my grandmother the joyful news and patientky she explaned me the whole story; he was 19 yearls old and he was in the military in Sonora, and she told me she still spoke to him. That night she called him and I spoke to him in a fearful tone since I was afraid of him denying me but it was quite the opposite. He was glag he had a sister also and we promised to see each other when he came back from Sonora and my fantasy came true, he came on a sring and it was strange how we loocked so much alike and we also shared many ideas. He left that day and promised tocome back. He came back on fall and we had an awsome time until he had to say goodbye but the difference was that he never came back. He was murdered on december 1st buried with my dreams and hope, I felt powerless;however, I received beutiful news, his girlfriend was pregnant of him! This had a big impact on me since life showed me that you can go from being the most content person on earth to the most miserable, but after the hurricane comes the rainbow. 

Blog post #15

The most valuable contribution I would make to a college campous is to contribute in the ecomic needs for the sciene department. There has been a lot of new discoveries in scjence but even though we are in the U.S, there is not a lot of money to keep up with it. The science department actually came up with a new discovery which is that if you are burned or so doctors can replace your mother cells from your skin and place it within that skin and threfore cells would produce and your skin could grow back. Researchers believe that this could not only benefit the people who have buned their skin but also; diabetics, and people with cancer cells.  This group of scientists affirm that "they are beyoned their research;however, there is not a lot of money conrybuying the cause, from colleges and etc."


Blog post #14

"he does not possess wealth, It possess him." To me this states that men or women are not worth by their wealth but for their human values.


Blog post #13


University of California, San Diego
9500 GILMAN DR. # 0533
LA JOLLA CA 92093-0533 

Dear roomate

greetings, my name is Hylenne trevino and I will be your new roomate. I am very exited about this new college expirience and it is even better to have a roomate since I do not enjoy being alone. I am a very sociable person and at first i might seem bot very amiable;however, once you get to know me I am very humorous and trustful. I will not occupy much space since I am not a very superficial person though I do need silece when I do my homework since i get distracted easily. I will be taking my major in linguisticts and in my freetime I will be dancing tango. I hope we have a great time together!


                                                                                           Hylenne Trevino

Blog post #12

My life began in Tijuana Mexico in a nice house sorrounded by only adults such as my mom, dad, aunt, grandma, and grandpa. My memories from that time still travel trough my head like little pieces of lost puzzles. I was a fortunate little girl since I was the center of attention of everyone in my family; my grandma would speak with this elevated vocabulary that I would immitate but unlike her I would appliy those words to sentences and it wouln't really make sence, my grandpa would sing songs to me all the time, aunt would dnace with me until mid-night since that was the only way I could fall to sleep, my dad always gave me everything I wanted, and my mother well she was and is a very lovely mother. I spoke at the early age of 1 and skiped preschool. I went to kinder and in elementry is where I met all my friends. I was an excellent student my lowest score was a 9.8 and I was even sent to compete with other local schools for a history test I scored 100% My life was almost perfect until my parents spoke about some "paper thing" and that we had to move to the United States in order to become U.S citizens. I felt heavyhearted since I felt like I was leaving everything behind and I didhave family overthere but I only saw them once in a while and most of them spoke english so I wouldn't understand. We moved when I finished 3rd grade and we went to a city called Escondido in California 45 min from the border, and here is where my innocence and joy were taken away from me. My first day of school was a disaster, I wore some sweats and a sweater; everyone speoke english and the girls wore make-up. I felt intimidated and scared, I learned english while the rest of the students learned math and language arts. I had no friends and I knew nothing about the life in America. In 5th grade my life began to make a turn, I met my best friend though I did not know that yet; we became very good fiends and more than a friend she became like a sister since we lived together because our moms decided to rent together. I knew a little more english and I dressed quite better. When I went to 6 grade it was already middle school and there I spend my worst days; I still had an innocent mind when they spoke about sex yet not the teacher, the majority of the guys would talk about it and one even asked me if I wanted to do such thing. In that "school" you were "cool" if you dressed like a cholo/a and if you weren't you would be made fun of. Students would constantly fight each other and if you had a boyfriend you were called a "slut'. Little by litle I knew how things worked and the worst was that I was becoming like the enemy and at home I would be very rebellious, I was becoming another person. My mom never enjoyed living there, she always said that once we had our papers we were going to move back to Tijuana.  Life began going from unfavorable to worst until a night that my dad was sent to the hospital and did not get any better, my mom decided that night to move back to tijuana and there he was treated and got better. Comming back was again mournful since I was leaving my best friend and I was afraid of going through the same thing. I was placed in Catle Park Middle Schoold in Chula Vista where at first I had trouble making friends but everything was better. Know I am a junior in High school and I have a good life experience but what I am glad about is that I am myself again, the same little girl that came from Tijuana but with more expirience about life and I learned that in every occasion no matter how hard it is, you have to be yourself no matter what.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Blog post #11

The majority of the students that after high school intent to go to college feel insecure because of their grades, or school performance. Univeresities and colleges primarly look at the people who have the geatest GPA's and/or after school activies; If you have one or none of these you have less chances of being accepeted or your paper is read after the ones that "complete the requirements". My response to this is that Colleges should primarly read the students backround because not everybody has time and not because they do not want to but some work, babysit,etc. In fact the question that should be asked is "If graduating from high school was a bigger challenge and why?" This in my opinion will make our judges see that "being lazy" is not the only reason that retains you from learning.  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog post #10

     Troughout our lives we make mistakes and we receive advice before them; however, most of us decide to learn from our mistakes instead of listening. When I began my freshmen year I met my first love and I felt full and motivated. I shared all my feelings with he almost knew my whole existance, I got to say he did the same and we shared tons of beutiful moments together until one day that my soul fell down from the clouds and bereaved I went to my mothers arms and let my tears fall from my eyes. I explained everything I felt and how ours plans of love and marrige went all to nothing. I remember how she held my hands and said "no one is worth your tears, and him that is probably feeling proud and satisfied", these few words were strong and painful;however, I realized that it was all true and that afterall there was nothing I could do anymore. He saw me cry that day and when my mother told me that after I promized myself I was not going to let any man see me cry ever again, and until this day I admit that I still love him though I do not let him see that.

Blog post #9

If I was given the authority to establish a holiday and in the United States, I would choose "family day" , This might as well sound odd but It is defenantly crusia. In the United States there are more single parents than together and from my perspective I beleve that the people that have their family together are very fortunate.  To celebrate it my idea would be to spend time with all your family and as a personal idea I would retell our anecdotes as a family; also, since that day would be considered a holiday there would be no job or school.

Blog post #8

"Don't look back, unless it's a good view", this quote personally describes me since I am the type of person that brings back the past as if I living it again. Every event wether it was cheerful or  despondent I remember it like if it happened a day before, to be quite honest I evoke mostle my gloomy moments and I question them making my-self feel misserable and powerless. I know that having this is an incorrect way of thinking; however, I feel like if I let go of the past I am letting go the peolpe who where always there for me just like my grandmother and brother that passed away. I hope that I can change myself in this aspect.

Blog post #7

In countries like Mexico Indians still exist. Many of them I recognize that they are taken into account and live their lives asking for money and living in places with very low temperatures. What is disappointing is that most of the indigenous  specially Tarahumara from the state of Chiapas make their children work like them and give them no education and are not brought to school. If I could implement a new culture it would be that, I would convince them not to preven their children from having and aducation since is part of their rights and from my believes it is unhuman to make a child wake up extremly early to work when is agonizing hot, or cold.

Blog post #6

Ever since i can remember my father and I do not have an amiable relationship. The problem with us is that we are very alike in attitude and we can never agree with each other. After a while por problems increased to yhe point where I would repong him horribly or I would talk back at him because most of the time he would say words that just hurted me or that i knew were not true. At first this bothered me a lot and I could not find a solution to my problem since all I would do was to tell the would how miserable I would feel until I decided to find help. I admit I went with a psychologist and I confesed my errors too and what he said was"Is not him the one that has to change is you, he's already an adult and has no more remedybut you still do" this words extremly helped me because since then I tookthe initiative to change and ever since then know instead of answering back I actually stay quiet and even my dad asked me to forgive him, know we are all much better and this experience tought me that you cannot blame the world for your problems but you can do something to change it.

Blog post #5

Haiti is the poorest country in the world as we all know. If i won the lottery or if for any reason i won $1 million dollars I would go directly to Haiti and instead of sending a couple of nurses I would acutually look foward to put a school in Haiti and buy medication for them. This i believe would be a better idea since people would know how to cure their own family and the school would be freeto anyone that wanted the knoledge. If I had money left I would meet with the population that lost their homes in the earthquake of 2010 and I would distribute the money to them. If I had more, what would I not do for them!