Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog post #12

My life began in Tijuana Mexico in a nice house sorrounded by only adults such as my mom, dad, aunt, grandma, and grandpa. My memories from that time still travel trough my head like little pieces of lost puzzles. I was a fortunate little girl since I was the center of attention of everyone in my family; my grandma would speak with this elevated vocabulary that I would immitate but unlike her I would appliy those words to sentences and it wouln't really make sence, my grandpa would sing songs to me all the time, aunt would dnace with me until mid-night since that was the only way I could fall to sleep, my dad always gave me everything I wanted, and my mother well she was and is a very lovely mother. I spoke at the early age of 1 and skiped preschool. I went to kinder and in elementry is where I met all my friends. I was an excellent student my lowest score was a 9.8 and I was even sent to compete with other local schools for a history test I scored 100% My life was almost perfect until my parents spoke about some "paper thing" and that we had to move to the United States in order to become U.S citizens. I felt heavyhearted since I felt like I was leaving everything behind and I didhave family overthere but I only saw them once in a while and most of them spoke english so I wouldn't understand. We moved when I finished 3rd grade and we went to a city called Escondido in California 45 min from the border, and here is where my innocence and joy were taken away from me. My first day of school was a disaster, I wore some sweats and a sweater; everyone speoke english and the girls wore make-up. I felt intimidated and scared, I learned english while the rest of the students learned math and language arts. I had no friends and I knew nothing about the life in America. In 5th grade my life began to make a turn, I met my best friend though I did not know that yet; we became very good fiends and more than a friend she became like a sister since we lived together because our moms decided to rent together. I knew a little more english and I dressed quite better. When I went to 6 grade it was already middle school and there I spend my worst days; I still had an innocent mind when they spoke about sex yet not the teacher, the majority of the guys would talk about it and one even asked me if I wanted to do such thing. In that "school" you were "cool" if you dressed like a cholo/a and if you weren't you would be made fun of. Students would constantly fight each other and if you had a boyfriend you were called a "slut'. Little by litle I knew how things worked and the worst was that I was becoming like the enemy and at home I would be very rebellious, I was becoming another person. My mom never enjoyed living there, she always said that once we had our papers we were going to move back to Tijuana.  Life began going from unfavorable to worst until a night that my dad was sent to the hospital and did not get any better, my mom decided that night to move back to tijuana and there he was treated and got better. Comming back was again mournful since I was leaving my best friend and I was afraid of going through the same thing. I was placed in Catle Park Middle Schoold in Chula Vista where at first I had trouble making friends but everything was better. Know I am a junior in High school and I have a good life experience but what I am glad about is that I am myself again, the same little girl that came from Tijuana but with more expirience about life and I learned that in every occasion no matter how hard it is, you have to be yourself no matter what.  

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